Friday, March 03, 2006

Data Clouds

Ok so just trying to work out what a data cloud actually is and I've so far managed to find one interpretation.

Wireless networks can be found in pretty much every major city here in the UK along with the US and many other developed countries are now using the technology. In this context a data cloud is used to describe the signals that gather around these inter twining wireless networks.

An assistant professor at Arizona State University’s Department of Geography called Dr. Paul M. Torrens is conducting research into the invisible geography of wireless "wifi" Internet signals over downtown Salt Lake City, UT. He has produced an image that represents this graphically shown below and is part of ongoing work to map "urban data clouds" in an effort to study the geography of new emerging technologies and their impact on dense urban environments.

image illustrating the invisible geography of wireless "wifi" Internet signal blanketing downtown Salt Lake City, UT.

information taken from


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