Friday, March 03, 2006

Virtual Enviroments - Outline of Brief

Examine a given communication technology in relation to a pre-selected quotation.

Throughout history there has been a turbulent relationship between technology and cultural, political, sociological, philosophical and ideological views of the world and humankind.

In order to fulfil the requirements of this brief you are expected to research and critically evaluate issues deriving from a synthesis of the technology and quote. This should result in a unique presentation with a personal agenda. Working in pairs, or indivdually, you are expected to create a distinct piece of Multimedia to house your research and your ideas. You will be marked both on the design and functionality of your digital presentation as well as the spoken content and conceptual framework.

Within this project you must also make and present a piece of work to supplement your perspective. This should be housed within the framework you design and build. This could be conceived as video, animation, 3D environment, web link, interactive shockwave element or audio piece.

Carefully consider the most appropriate method for presenting your ideas, as you will be marked on the suitability of your choice. For example, if this involves additionally sending a letter to all members of the group, you will be marked on the written content of that letter as well as the digital presentation you give.

All students should be prepared to answer any questions at the end of their presentation.


For this particular brief as mentioned above we have been given a quote and a technology in order to research and explore to produce a presentation to include a written section, and a piece of work to accompany it.

'The Sun Never Sets On The Cyberspatial Empire' is our quote.

It is taken from the book; 'The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the age of the internet'.

Data Clouds is our technology.

Both Chris (my partner for this project) and myself will use this blog as a journal to document our research into these areas.


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